zipthatzebra gobblethatgoblin

say hello to me and enjoy your stay :)
Monday, July 28, 2008;8:13 AM
hihi..finally do all my hw finish..Weee! except d and t =.= bla bla bla ..last fri went for guide then got so called 'oral" .. then we chosen ambition then must say say say..i feel like i am talking craps lor..then patrol change again...i am in jasmine now..=( why cannot stick to the old ma fan. Then learned how to make crane and others.. then today got math st..and mrs kuan nv come.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008;6:52 AM
Hi..trying to save my blog from dying...hahax...currently worrying about D&T ..aiyo! i dunno how to do siaa...grr..hate it..the good news is we can volunteer to take the E math then sec 3 see can take A math anot..its a dream come true..yipee! but for now.. still worrying..haiz . Today lesson was i wish i could borrow another bleach book..but cannot larh. ya..reading comics is bad but it is not often mah.



I am Chrisminie.I'd like to believe that I live a purpose-driven life and I very much like the nuggets macdonald's has to offer. Umm, yummy :)

My favorite color usually changes in an average time span of three months so it'd be incredibly pointless if I were to mention my current color of choice. Although, if you really must know, they usually tend to shift to certain shades of blue, black and purple. :) I am a certified bubble burster to be.
bold ,italic, underline



dont be too surprised if you click and this drops down!

